MFZF Mission statement

Massachusetts Feminist Zine Fest (MFZF) is committed to providing opportunities and space for zinesters, artists, creators, and self-publishers to present DIY (do-it-yourself) works and participate in an alternative avenue for commerce. MFZF seeks to empower independent artists, lift up marginalized voices in the creative sphere, and promote equitable conditions for its creative community to thrive. As an intersectional feminist organization, we believe that zines are activism and are dedicated to providing creative avenues to fight against systems of oppression.

MFZF sees itself as a vehicle for new and emerging artists to experiment and showcase their work in a space that supports and celebrates small press and independent publishers. We believe that zines are for everyone and we are committed to providing a free zine fest experience for our community.

what are zines?

​​Zines are acts of resistance and a form of activism. Zines are a medium for sharing stories and personal narratives that are not represented in mainstream media. They are self-published with a DIY ethos and are anti-capitalistic. 

Zines are (usually) booklets that are photocopied and stapled by hand that cover a wide range of topics such as personal stories (perzines), fanzines, art and photography, poetry, social and political issues, and anything else you can dream up. There are no limits to what a zine can be about. If you are passionate about something, you can write a zine about it!

 While there are some blurred lines between zines and other types of printed material, usually zines do not have an ISBN.

safer space policy

This policy outlines the measures that MFZF organizers commit to in order to ensure the physical and psychological safety of LGBT+ people, trauma survivors, and people of color within the physical and online spaces of MFZF.

As organizers, having a FEMINIST zine fest to us means creating a space where all women, queers, and nonconformists can equally participate in and feel comfortable in. We recognize that aggressive, discriminatory, hateful or violent language makes places unsafe for marginalized people. This safety can be physical where someone fears for their bodies, or it can be psychological where someone must be constantly on guard and cannot speak from a place of openness and vulnerability because they are in the presence of people they cannot trust.

This is created with the acknowledgement that spaces that (tacitly or explicitly) allow discriminatory, prejudiced, hateful, or threatening language are disallowing a true diversity of ideas and limiting discourse. Where hate and prejudice are not confronted, marginalized and targeted people are not able to speak freely. Freedom of speech is not possible unless views intended to suppress and discount marginalized people are not present. Without the voices of people of color, LGBT+ people, and survivors, we cannot claim to have true freedom of dialogue, we cannot claim our space is equitable or just, and we cannot claim that our space is Safer.

To protect free speech, solidarity, and unity at MFZF, we realize we must make our spaces safer, to the best of our collective abilities.

To ensure a respectful and open environment for all attendees, please note the guidelines below:

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